Our Supporters

“I heartily support the idea of a tributary wall dedicated to the spirits of those who were lost.
DR. MAYA ANGELOU — “I heartily support the idea of a tributary wall dedicated to the spirits of those who were lost. I will be pleased to write a dedication to be inscribed on an architecture built for those purposes.”
SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN — “I am proud to recognize all the staff and volunteers of the Guyana Tribute Foundation. Your work will help ensure that we will never forget the victims of Jim Jones. You are in my thoughts and prayers.”
FORMER MAYOR ELIHU M. HARRIS — “I support the construction of the Jonestown Memorial Wall to commemorate the Jonestown tragedy. This is an important issue and I will help in every way to make the memorial Wall a lasting reminder so that these men, women, and children have not perished in vain.”
MARK LANE — “They were innocent children. They went with their family and friends to try to build a better life. They carved a remarkable community out of an area that was a dangerously inhospitable environment. They developed a society, unlike the one that they had left, that provided a good school, health care and a place without racism. Forces that they could not control, not even influence, brought about the end of their experiment and the end of their lives. We should remember them, remember how they lived and why they died.”
DICK GREGORY — “Jonestown is one of the greatest tragedies of modern times that led the way before other catastrophic events. This tragedy was unprecedented and America did not know how to deal with this kind of mass death. Jonestown was the first major tragedy that people had in their living rooms. The fact that everybody watched it in their living rooms is the reason why America needs healing. The Wall represents our healing.”

Help us honor the innocent children because innocent children are not responsible for the crimes committed against them. A Memorial Wall with Jim Jones’ name added disrespects all children who have been murdered and sends a message to our children worldwide that it’s ok to kill them and celebrate the name of their murderer leaving them feeling vulnerable. Adding Jim Jones name on the Memorial disrespects the families who lost loved ones and it disrespects our collective communities. A memorial without murderer Jim Jones’ name on it raises public awareness and teaches the lessons of Jonestown where 305 children died, that you should never allow anyone to isolate you, think for you and determine your or your children’s destiny